Almost 70 years after Nazis Holocaust the Jewish community of Germany celebrates Passover being the fastest growing community in the world. It is said that Israely Jews come to Germany more frequently than German Jews repatriate to Israel.
The number of Jews in Germany has increased tenfold compared to 1990, when its number was 23 thousand.
Revival of the German Jewish Community is evident. Nowadays 10 synagogues with community centers, schools and kosher restaurants and shops operate in Berlin only and the number tends to increase. Jewish renaissance in Germany attracts more and more new immigrants, which mostly arrive from former USSR using soft immigration rules.
However such a vibrant community is also not guaranteed from manifestations of anti-semitism, which number has also increased.
However community leaders are in general optimistic regarding interethnic relations and integration of the community. Jewish Museum has recently been opened in Munchen near the place, where nazi propaganda minister Joseph Gebbels ordered to destruct major synagogue of the city in 1938. Together with the memorial unveiled in Berlin several years ago this museum will be another sightseeing devoted to long life of the community in a country, which has once decided to demolish it.