In Astana the Festival of friendship of the nations of Kazakhstan was held. The final stage of a festival - grandiose gala-concert passed on a stage of metropolitan "Congress-hall". In Astana on a holiday arrived the representatives of the national-cultural centres from all regions of the country. Ethnocultural variety became the visit card of our country. One of its brightest displays - is annual festival of friendship of the nations of Kazakhstan. The cultural centres from different regions act on a metropolitan stage.
This evening on the main concert platform of republic the representatives Uygur Diaspora, German vocal-dancing group from Karaganda, ensemble "Zyryanochka" from East Kazakhstan, Almaty "Gulder", creative collective of the Jewish cultural centre and many others acted.
Concert of the cultural centers - is show colorful and diverse. It has collected a full hall of the spectators, and though it lasted for two hours - there was not missing, and actors every time were seen off by a rough applause.