Twenty-two Jewish organizations signed on to a call for action on climate change to be presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
The statement that will be presented to world leaders and delegates urges them to "commit themselves to act courageously to protect us from the devastation of climate change," and asks that an agreement be forged that addresses issues such as what industrialized countries will do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to safe levels, how developing countries will limit growth of their greenhouse gas emissions, how to support distribution of clean and renewable energy technologies, and how to "bolster the climate resilience of vulnerable countries."
Rabbi Warren Stone, co-chairman of the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care, and Mirele Goldsmith, an environmental sustainability consultant, will travel to Copenhagen to take part in the Dec. 7-18 conference and present the statement.
Among the Jewish groups signing on to the statement were Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish World Service, B’nai B’rith International, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, Hadassah, Hazon, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, and organizations representing the Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist movements.