In Tambov, the opening of the Jewish Community Center took place. The new building is used to gather minyan for prayers, there is Aron Kodesh, which holds the Torah scroll. Here the Jews of any age and social status find associates and friends.
At the opening of the center, the dignitaries of Tambov Jewish Community were present: Rabbi of the Central Federal District Zeev Wagner and JDC program manager in Russia Aliq Nadan. Welcoming speeches were also delivered by the Chairman of the Committee on tolerance, interfaith and interethnic relations of the Region's Public Chamber I. Nikolaev, assistant of the Head of administration of the Tambov region S. Samgin, Mayor of the city of Kirsanov A. Shapiro, and other distinguished guests.
The Chairman of the Jewish community of Tambov Arkadiy Farba warmly congratulated the participants on the significant event in the life of Tambov Jews and handed the trustees of the community, who donated funds to repair the center, certificates of the "Keren Kayemet le Israel" foundation, certifying that a tree will be planted in honor of each of them near Jerusalem.