Religious communities in Azerbaijan believe that it necessary to step up the struggle against radical and extremist groups
Religious communities in Azerbaijan believe that it necessary to step up the struggle against radical and extremist groups
"In Azerbaijani society there are forces interested in the spread of harmful religious directions, illegal literature, religious texts on CD discs," said the Trend News on Tuesday at the meeting of the Advisory Council of the State Committee on work with religious associations.
The Chairman of the Advisory Board is the Head of the State Committee on work with religious associations Hidayat Orujev, its members are the Vice Chairmen of Caucasian Muslims department Salman Musayev and Sabir Gasanli, the Bishop of Baku and the Caspian diocese of Russian Orthodox Church Alexander Ishein, Chairman of the Baku religious community of European Jews Gennady Zelmanovich, ordinator of Rome Catholic Church in Azerbaijan Jan Chapla, a representative of a religious community of Mountain Jews in Baku Semen Ihiilov.
In Azerbaijan, there are 533 religious communities.
The Council members noted the stable religious situation in the country, and -stressed that the religious policy of the Azerbaijani State gives positive results. "At the meeting, the activities of the Azerbaijani government in recent years has been positively evaluated, the great role of the religious situation in achieving sustainability in the country was emphasized," reads the Committee's statement.
Members of the Council added that the study of questions that worry the religious community, the spread of religious education through the wider community, the work for preventing the spread of harmful religious literature serve to regulate the relations between the government and religion, and to further better the religious situation in the country.