Tolerance Club of the KEDEM JCC Holds International Seminar on Languages
Tolerance Club of the KEDEM JCC Holds International Seminar on Languages
This is not the first action of the center of Jewish life in the capital, which drew in people of different nationalities, members of ethnic-cultural communities, clubs and diplomatic missions.
But for the first time KEDEM holds a truly large-scale event, which will be attended by hundreds of people. These include, besides the activists of the national communities, volunteers from European and American organizations.
The International Festival of Languages will feature all the languages spoken by people living in Moldova: Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Gagauz, Bulgarian, Yiddish, Polish, Armenian, German, etc.
Many are expected also to demonstrate colorful national costumes, hats, dances and songs. In the concerts at the theater hall of KEDEM participants will listen to five most studied languages in the world, as well as rare dialects.
According to the organizers of the meeting, the festival participants will be able to communicate in more than 15 languages, including those still exotic to Moldova - Japanese and Hebrew.
The latter language, by the way, is no longer such a rarity for the capital: it is not only studied in groups at the Israeli Cultural Center and the Jewish Agency for Israel, it is spoken in Israeli missions, and by businessmen who have Israeli citizenship and work in Moldova.
In general, the festival aims to demonstrate the commonality of people living in the country, friendship, political correctness, tolerance, understanding and mutual interest to the traditions and customs of other ethnic groups.
"Moldova is a multicultural country inhabited by people of different nationalities, who transmit the experience of generations through their languages," project coordinator Kira Kreyderman told the press.