World Jewish News
Donetsk Communities Ready for Pesach
Despite all-around difficult times and problems with funding, Donetsk regional Jewish community has found a way to help the Jewish communities of the region.
Before the holiday, the chairmen of twelve Jewish communities of Donetsk region received everything needed for the conduction of a kosher Pesach seder in their cities.
In Donetsk synagogue, they received matsah shmurah and mechanically baked matsa, kosher grape juice, copies of the Pesach Agaddah, as well as money for travel and the organization of seders. Everything was provided in sufficient quantity for conducting a decent Pesach meal.
Besides, the Vice Chairman of the religious Jewish community of Donetsk Reb Yehuda Kelerman held a brief seminar with the communities chairmen on the laws of Pesach, and provided a list of products allowed on this holiday.
Reb Yehuda Kelerman held a seminar on the laws of Pesach in the building of Donetsk "Hesed-Tzdaka." The employees of this organization will be organizing Pesach seders for their wards both in Donetsk in other cities of the region.