World Jewish News
Despite reduction of the state budget, the Minister of Constructing Natan Sharansky tries to keep privileges for new repatriates
17.12.2002 The project of the state budget of Israel for 2003 presupposes sharp reductions of the budget of the Ministry of Constructing and, accordingly, privileges for buyers of apartments.
According to "Ediot Akhronot", the Minister of Constructing Natan Sharansky tries to keep privileges at least for new repatriates, understanding that struggle for preservation of privileges for all categories of the population is hopeless. Sharansky insists on preservation of privileged local loans for repatriates.
According to current conditions repatriates buying an apartment in areas of national priority "aleph" have the right to get the loan in amount of 76800 shekels from which 40800 shekels is a "gift" for 15 years, and the rest is given out for 20 years under 4,5% annually. Monthly payment at such loan makes only 228 shekels per month.