World Jewish News
Yekaterinburg is flooded with Fascist publications.
27.01.2003 An employee of a Yekaterinburg "Aticva" Jewish centre found in his mail box a pile of anti-Semitic and nationalistic literature. For example, "All-Russian Newspaper of Russian People's Enlighteners" published by the "Council of Baba-Yaga". Yet another Baba-Yaga was born with the help of the chief editor of "Russian Truth" Alexander Aratov, an ardent nationalist. Among the organizations helping the "Council of Baba-Yaga" is so called "Russian National Railway Agency". The chief editor of this rubbish is Baba-Yaga in person. So, what pieces of advice are we dealing with? For instance, Yaga advices to rush to buy the following book: "The Doctrine of the Fascism" by Mussolini, "My Fight" by A.A. Schiklgruber (better known to the public as Adolf Hitler), And so on and so forth