Unidentified people crashed windows in the pray hall of Kalinigrad synagogue.
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                  World Jewish News

                  Unidentified people crashed windows in the pray hall of Kalinigrad synagogue.


                  Unidentified people crashed the windows in the pray hall of the synagogue, situated on Saltikov-Schedrin str. The actions of the kind have already taken place: the window over the exit from the synagogue was smashed two year ago; pro-Jewish inscriptions were written all over the city a year ago; in their mailboxes, people would find leaflets printed by a so called "Jewish community of the City" calling for the taking over the power by the Jews. An old Jewish cemetery on Litovskiy Val was crashed. All these deeds have been condemned; however the inactivity of our law enforcement agencies results in even more numerous unpunished and impudent attacks by anti-Semites.

                  Источник: Jewish.ru