World Jewish News
More than 50 leaders of US Jewish organizations have visited the Jewish "Mitzvah" Association and "Rimon" co
15.02.2003 Over 50 leaders of US Jewish organizations have visited the Jewish "Mitzvah" Association and "Rimon" communal center. All of them are participants of the 1st International Conference of Peace and Consent, called under initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev. Hosting visitors in hased "Polina" its director, Natalia Dorman, has acquainted them with work of such programs as "Feeding", "House Care", "Mazl tov", "Day time center" and others. "The huge help, - she said, - is rendered by volunteers. Volunteers make the spiritual basis of mutual aid this is their main value for the community". Sima Branovich told members of the community about the medical service, and the Republican Jewish library director, Eugenia Karjakina - about activity of the largest storehouse of Jewish literature and its 12 branches in the republic.
The Jewish communal center "Rimon" has also acquainted guests with the basic programs aimed at teaching traditions, Jewish history, Torah, Hebrew and Yiddish languages. But it has been made as the dramatized representation combining the documentary story, verses, songs, dances and orchestral background. The small show was prepared by children as well as by Musical, Female and Family clubs. At the end of the hospitable social, by tradition, the visitors were suggested to plant pomegranate grains in pots. "Great fruit will wait for you by your next visit", promised the "Rimon" JCC director Rufa Boguslavskaya.
Representatives of the US Jewish associations arrived to the Conference of Peace and Consent have been invited to the residence of the president of Kazakhstan (by "Khabar" news agency information).