"Russia 2003: Elections and Religious Confession" conference by "Eurasia" political party.
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                  "Russia 2003: Elections and Religious Confession" conference by "Eurasia" political party.


                  "Russia 2003: Elections and Religious Confessions" conference organized by the "Eurasia" political party was held on March 1, 2003, in the "President hotel". The representatives of all the traditional confessions, experts, representatives of other political parties participated in the conference.
                  The main objectives of the conference were to define the attitude of the main traditional confession of Russia towards political parties and to assess the chances of cooperation between the parties and the confessions from the standpoint of the upcoming elections."
                  Alexander Duguin, the Chairman of the "Eurasia" party, expressed the main idea of the conference in his report: "During the upcoming elections, the role of the confession factor will be by far greater than four years ago. Religious self-consciousness is becoming a stable factor of the collective identification of many Russians. Thus, religions are gradually filling up the ideological vacuum left after the collapse of Marx ideology. This is when the Russians reveal their answer: those who do not want to become "common people", start positioning themselves as "Orthodox", "Muslims", "Buddhists", "Jews" of Russia. Belonging to a particular confession is becoming a very important component of ethnic self-consciousness. And this will affect the results of the elections".

                  Источник: Jewish.ru