Presentation of the almanac " The Jerusalem's Bibliophile " took place in Jerusalem.
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                  Presentation of the almanac " The Jerusalem's Bibliophile " took place in Jerusalem.


                  Presentation of the 2-nd release of the almanac "The Jerusalem's Bibliophile" took place in the Russian library in Jerusalem. The editor-in-chief and the composer of the almanac, Dr. Leonid Juniverg, informed all gathered members of the Bibliophile Club about the contents of the last issue of this unique edition, which had been recognized by bibliophiles from different continents of our planet. The publication on basic research by professor A.Chernjak "At sources of the Jewish publishing" opens the almanac. The author has investigated the history of creating the Jewish book since the 15th century. As soon as the book appeared they started gathering it for public and private collections. The theme of collecting Jewish books since the ancient times and up to nowadays was highlighted in the publication "Collections of Jewish Books" done by the director of the Institute on Jewish Research (Jerusalem) Menahem Feldman. The art of book graphics in Jewish editions published by 1800 became the subject for review of the new repatriate from the USA William Gross.
                  The almanac gives a bright and wide picture on bibliophile's movement in Russia (Moscow, Petersburg), Ukraine (Kiev, Kharkov), Israel (Jerusalem, Haifa). The special attention is given to portraits of the outstanding bibliophiles and masters of book graphics: Jury Molok, Jacob Berdichevsky, David Frajshtat, Gershon Kravtsov. The special section is devoted to art of the book sign. This section is opened with the article by the artist Leonid Kurisa, the participant of numerous international exhibitions of ex-librists. The index of persons contains about 1500 surnames that makes the almanac to be the valuable handbook and the guidebook for all researchers and bibliophiles, wishing to get the idea about bibliophilism in the beginning of the 21st century.
