World Jewish News
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Israeli Military Industrial Establishment met the Russian Minister of Industry, Sc
12.03.2003 The negotiations between the representatives of the Israeli military industrial establishment (MIE) and their Russian counterparts have entered into the final stage, the subject of the possible cooperation being the modernization of Russian T-72 battle tanks. To establish links, several days ago, Arie Mizrakhi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Israeli MIE, met with Ilya Khlebanov, the Russian Minister of Industry, Science, and Technology, also responsible for the Russian MIE.
It has been announced that the Israel MIE is interested in cooperating with its Russian counterpart in modernizing T-72 battle tanks, BMP armored infantry vehicles, and other armaments. Thanks to great experience in the field of modernizing, the Israeli MIE has the technology and is able to modernize Russian battle tanks and armored vehicles to the standards of the leading armies of the world.
Arie Mizrakhi has said that meetings between the representatives of the two MIEs are scheduled for the nearest future, during which the cooperation will be discussed in details.